Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Windy, chilly Sunday with a chance of rain up north

MINNEAPOLIS — Sunday will be one of the coolest and windiest days in a while with scattered showers possible north of the Twin Cities.
Wind gusts are expected to get up to 40 mph by the afternoon with highs only in the 50s. 
Scattered showers are expected to remain mostly north of Interstate 94 and will linger through Monday. There is also a chance for snow mixing in with the rain around the Arrowhead.
Temperatures will drop into the 30s overnight for the first time since late April. Early Tuesday could very well be the first freeze in the Twin Cities with lows near 32 degrees.
Sunshine will return by Tuesday and help warm temperatures back up into the 70s for the end of the work week.
Rain is likely to arrive late Friday into Saturday, ending our dry stretch.
